Got the sweater done in plenty of time for my mom and it fit. Couldn't really tell if she truely liked it - we'll see when cool weather hits again. =/ Oh well. Now I'm at work on a sweater for myself and a small version of the above purse but done in red, white and blue for Josh's aunt down in Florida.
My birthday came and went in this interim. It was a jam-packed day. Full of visitors and surprise gifts and then I had to go to work. But, all in all...
One question - If person A knows that person B does not have a green thumb, why on earth does Person A buy Person B plants year after year, only to watch as Person B kills them off slowly but efficiently, with inconsisent watering and iffy planting placement ensuring that the plant will get either too much sun or not enough.
I don't know... I'm rambling. I need to go to sleep. I'll try to keep up here, but you never know.