Well, I'm nothing if not predictable. No writing since June. Not much to report. Get up, play with kids, go to work, make food, come home, make food, make half-hearted attempt at house cleaning, stay up too late crocheting or reading, go to bed, do it all over again. There, now I'm all caught up.
But, wait! There is a change coming in the near future. I've gotten a new job! I'll be a secretary/receptionist for a carpet company one town over. I'll be closer to my kids every day and I won't have to work weekends! YAY! I won't have to slap sandwiches together anymore! They have no problem with my kids coming in after school and I can crochet when business is slow - HOLLAH!
Kid #1 started school yesterday. Third grade this year. She has the same teacher I did, too. Her bestie from last year is not in her class this year, which stinks, but we'll make it through. Two other girls have the same back pack which is almost sacrelige, and they have no homework on Fridays. That's the report I got when I came home from work.
Kid #2 starts his first year of preschool tomorrow. WAAHHH! When did my baby get big enough for school? We went to the open house they had to get him acquainted with the class room and his teacher. He loved it, of course because I had been worried that he wouldn't.
As for crocheting, I have been working on baby shower presents for two ladies that are due about a week apart. My cousin-in-law is having a girl, and my bestie from HS is having a boy, both in November. So for my C.I.L. I've been working on: a granny square blankey, a sweater, and three pairs of booties. All worked in chocolate, aqua, lavendar and hot pink. Sounds crazy, but it's really pretty. My B-HS is getting a sweater, two pairs of booties and maybe a blanket if I'm up to it. It's all worked in chocolate, pale blue, cream, and tan. I'll post pics when I'm done with it all.
I've also got ideas for Christmas presents for my momma, sis, neice and daughter. All the booties previously mentioned and the slippers I'm going to make are from patterns I bought at Sylverdesigns The cutest shoes evah! They are so sweet and little and they just make me want another little poop machine.
Gotta go get ready for the daily grind. Four days and counting, Baby!