We've decided that in the best interest of the children and for my sake, we'll be getting a new puppy sooner rather than later. Saturday, after work, we'll be taking a trip down to Vandalia to meet Beau, a Lhasa Apso/Chihuahua mix, and hopefully bring him home. I've spoken with the woman who is taking care of him and his brother; they've been placed in a foster home to help them assimilate to people and other animals. He's brindled with a long body and short legs, and he likes to bounce around a lot. I'm excited and apprehensive. I hope this works out well.
When we lost the dog we had before Howie, I was devastated. She had been Lorenne's first dog and we loved her dearly. She had gotten in the family way when some people built a house near ours out in the country and their very large golden retriever met our smallishly medium size mutt, Black. Well, she also had histoplasmosis, a lung disease. We were unaware of it at the time, and as the puppies grew and became more taxing on her system, her body was unable to fight the infection. After a week spent at the vet's office, taking aggressive meds, too weak to have surgery, Black began to miscarry the puppies and wasn't able to survive. It was a sad horrible day. I still tear up thinking about that dog. We waited nearly two years before we finally decided to get another dog. We looked in the papers for unwanted puppies and couldn't ever find anything. We finally went to the local pound and found Howie. We got to keep him for two years. Yes, that's him, after he climbed up into a tree to be with Lorenne.
If something happens to this new dog, we're only having fish from here on out. I just set my heart too much on these animals. It hurts too much to lose them. What a bawl bag I've become. Jeezalou.
Okay, something that won't make me cry to talk about. Crochet!
I've got most of my new bag done, just need the top edge and handles and a lining sewn in. Which means I've got to drag that blasted machine out and manhandle that old thing around until it does what I ask. This bag is much much bigger than I thought it would be. I guess I should have really looked at the finished measurements, but why would I do something like that? It's still beautiful and so brightly colored, I can't wait to carry it around. I'm also working on a cardi for my mom for Mother's Day. Done in black so she'll be able to wear it whenever. I have the back and left side done and have started the right front. Just leaves the sleeves and the seaming (always with the sewing, frickin' frackin' sewing!). Fingers crossed that she likes it. We shall see... photos soon.