When I got home today, Josh showed me a political sticker he had gotten from a friend to put on the ol' grape jelly bean van. It made me think about what my grandmother said about the upcoming elections. She said the only thing she can do now is pray to God that the right man is elected. No matter what party. We can only hope that the man who does win is the right one for the right time. I like that. That's all we really can ever do. Just pray. So that's what I've been doing. Praying for the leadership of this country. Not for my guy to win, but for the right guy to win.
I bought a two skeins of yarn Monday at Serendipity Stitches in Lincoln, a yarn store I just found out about. I tried making it into a hat but the style I picked out just didn't suit my head a'tall. So I've ripped it out and started on a baby sweater instead. I really like the yarn though. It's the first wool yarn I've worked with. And it's spoiling me. I've used cotton before but, this stuff is 70% wool and 30% soy, and there is just something about the way it feels. Sooooooo much better than that cruddy acrylic stuff I've been using for so long. Anyway...
Here's a picture of my latest set I've added to my collection for sale at Horsefeathers.
Well, that's all for tonight. I'm gonna go throw a load of wet laundry into the dryer and crawl my way up to bed. Good Night to you...