Just realized that I've not written a thing in a very long time. I've been busy crocheting projects and reading books, to myself and the kids, cooking, cooking and more cooking, at work and at home. I've put up three batches of apple butter, three batches of applesauce, and one batch of peach Jammin' Jelly. (I call it Jammin' Jelly because it's not jam and it's not jelly. Lorenne doesn't like chunky jam [she has a texture problem] so I run the fruit through the food mill or processor and make it very smooth for her. The things we do for our kids.) Anyway...
Our landscape has changed again. The conglomerate that farms the land around us came and harvested the corn in about a day using four combines and four tractors. Kellen was in heaven watching the "trackers" and "ombines" out in the field.
We had his birthday party here too. He got a big boy bike (instead of a tricycle) and a big wagon, plus lots of clothes a
nd some other things. He had a train cake (I also dabble in cake decorating).
And this is a picture of the coat I made for Garrett, my best friend's son. He turned one in August.
So that's what's been going on here. I recently started to stitch up some Christmas presents also. A sweet little jacket with an off center placket, made in this beautiful fushia Lion Brand yarn that feels like suede, and a long pointy stocking cap for Josh made in some camo print yarn. He's really excited about that. All for now...