My Great-Uncle Leon Viger, (pronounced vee-zshay), who lives up in Algonac, Michigan, sent me this picture of my great grandmother, Gladys Louise Jackson Viger, when she was about 10 years old, circa 1913. I think she is just adorable.
We finally had our last Thanksgiving celebration this last Sunday. My mother, her SO Steve, my sister, her BF Jake, my niece and nephew and my grandma all came over for yet another turkey dinner with all the trimmings. But it was darn good and we all had a nice time. I was exhausted by the time they left though. Took the kids to see Santa on Saturday also. And we'll be getting a tree soon. I can't wait to get that up. I put the Nativity set up last night and as I was ever so gently unwrapping the Baby Jesus, He fell out of the tissue paper, onto the ground and broke His leg. I stuck it back on with fabric tack glue, so I hope it holds. Anyway, that's all for now. I have a three year old who desperately wants my attention.