well, crap. That's really all I can say. CRAP!!! I did not awaken to happy news this morning. Mr. McCain is not our president-elect and I'm really not a very happy camper about it. But, I continue to tell myself that God's ways are not my ways. He has a plan which I cannot fathom and He alone knows what is in store for this great nation. I can only pray that Mr. Obama is the correct man for the job and that he will lead this nation to the best of his ability.
But, I am deeply afraid that our moral compass is completely broken. Our sights are set not on what we can do for each other, but what can be given to us. We are not unlike those spoiled heirs to massive fortunes who've no skill, no drive, no determination, who end up spending daddy's billions on idiotic ventures and then expect a pat on the head, or worse world-wide recognition, for their "accomplishments". Our ancestors fought for the freedoms we now squander, frittering it away like so much fluff. Because we did not expend the energy to build the country we've no idea how to keep it. And we will loose it, if we do not make a sharp aboutface and return to some standards. I cannot go on, I really am sick to my stomach with the thought of it all. Open your eyes and see what's coming at us full force.