So you're probably wondering, "Who are these peas of which you speak?" Well, these are the baby peas. Kellen, on the left, will be three in September. Lorenne is seven. Yes, their hair is naturally curly. And they get it from their father. Kellen is going to be a pistol. He'll be jumping off the garage roof as soon as he figures out how to get up there. Mischievous little imp. Lorenne is my sweet girl. Very studious, loves to read, draw, and is a very good big sister, only occasionally aggravating Kellen. They were just sitting there, reading together. Kellen was looking at the pictures, but it was still very sweet.
I have a query... Are there many people out there who routinely perm their two-year old son's hair? Or make them sleep on curlers or something? Is that the case, or is it just silly questions from people? "Is his hair naturally curly?" geeeezzzzz...
I can understand questioning Lorenne's hair as she is old enough to have had her hair permed. But, I would never play on her self esteem like that. I try in every way to make her feel good about the attributes God gave her. Her beautiful hair, her big blue eyes, her dimples. And how smart she is, how funny, how kind and nice and thoughtful. We all must do our best to instill positive thoughts and comments in our little girls, make them see that no matter how they are made, or what they look like, they are all beautiful people. Pretty is as pretty does. I wish more people knew that.